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10 Health Benefits of Kombucha

1. Cleansing and detoxing

When you detox your body, you are often flushing the liver, pancreas, and kidney. Cleansing these major organs helps them function well and efficiently. Glucaric acid is one of kombucha's main features, and it's this acid that performs natural detoxification of the liver. Cleansing the gut is also important for the growth of good gut flora, and drinking kombucha can quicken the process of ingestion and breakdown of food in the system.

2. Immune system support

A powerful antioxidant is known as D-saccharic acid-1, 4-lactone (DSL) has been clinically proven to decrease oxidative stress and related immunosuppression. DSL is present during the fermentation process of kombucha. Along with vitamin C and the rest of the probiotics in kombucha, it boosts the immune system and protects against things like cell damage, tumors and a decline in the immune system, keeping you healthy and strong in the fight against sickness and disease.

3. Improved digestion

Kombucha has extremely high levels of probiotics, enzymes, and other beneficial acids. This combination of good things supports the digestive system by healing conditions such as leaky gut, stomach ulcers, heartburn, and GERD. Kombucha's active ingredients act as a counterbalance to the digestive upset that many people experience. It helps restore balance and fights candida and other yeast infections with its good bacteria. Drinking kombucha to fix digestive problems is a trial-and-error process because the gut is very sensitive. Similar drinks such as kefir and fermented food like sauerkraut also contain acids and bacteria that keep the gut and digestive tract healthy.

4. Increase in energy

Unlike a sugar fix from drinking soda, coffee or energy drinks, which may only last a short time before your body crashes again, the energy benefits of kombucha tend to last longer because it stays in your system longer. This, in turn, means your system is energized all the time. Iron released in the fermentation process is the base of the energy increase. The iron helps the hemoglobin and oxygen supply in the blood and tissues. Think of it as a slow release in the body — no more sugar rush and crash. It's also much healthier than consuming up to 12 teaspoons of sugar in one can of soda. 

5. Increased metabolism

Studies into how kombucha works and the benefits it supports have shown evidence of weight loss and increased metabolism in people who drank it regularly. Kombucha has high-acetic qualities like those found in apple cider vinegar, another known natural cleanser and detox agent. Both fluids contain polyphenols, and polyphenols and high levels of acid support weight loss in the human body. Kombucha works as a detoxifier and can burn unhealthy fats, which may lead to weight loss. Finally, due to the increase in energy levels after drinking kombucha, people may find they exercise more, which also contributes to weight loss.

6. Reduced joint pain

The DSL and vitamin C in kombucha help support the body against many inflammatory diseases and joint pain. The glucosamine in kombucha increase synovial hyaluronic acid, which feeds the joints moisture and lubrication, improving flexibility and relieving stiffness in the joints. This hyaluronic acid is a known supporter of collagen, which may prevent arthritis. As a bonus, collagen preservation also helps reduce wrinkles in the skin and leaves it softer and plumper.

7. Cellular health

Kombucha may detox your body on a cellular level. A toxin is produced within a living cell or organism, and these toxins can cause disease. Most people concentrate on the physical health of the body; muscles, organs and anything else you can see, and then mental health, the brain, and emotional state. However, maintaining cellular health is also extremely important for the body to function well. As far as kombucha tea and cellular health goes, studies show that the properties of kombucha protect the body against any induced cytotoxicity (how toxic finds various cells) and other implications of reducing cellular toxins.

8. It may prevent type 2 diabetes

Insulin resistance and high blood sugar levels characterize type 2 diabetes, and the condition affects millions of people worldwide. Forty percent of adult Americans will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. Because kombucha improves liver and kidney function, it's a great starting ground for fighting type 2 diabetes. Specifically, this ancient drink may slow down the digestion of carbohydrates, thus reducing blood sugar levels naturally. Green tea alone has been shown to reduce blood sugar levels, so if kombucha is made from green tea, drinkers may be able to reduce blood sugar levels even more and regulate them appropriately.

9. It may help fight cancer

Cancer is a mutation and growth of particular cells in the body and is one of the world's leading causes of death. The anti-cancer qualities of tea and kombucha have only been tested in laboratories, but the principles and findings reveal that both substances have significant anti-cancer properties. The findings show that the tea polyphenols block any gene mutation and growth of cancer cells and work toward killing cancer, and the glucaric acid in kombucha helps prevents certain types of cancer such as breast cancer and pancreatic cancer.

10. It may reduce heart disease

Some of the best advice from health professionals is to keep an eye on cholesterol levels. Evidence shows that the antilipidemic properties of kombucha help elevate the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and reduce the absorption of bad cholesterol (LDL). If green tea drinkers have a 31 percent lower chance of developing heart disease, then these same statistics could also arise from drinking kombucha regularly. One in every four deaths in America is from heart disease. It pays to get cholesterol levels under control naturally. 

10 Unique Health Benefits for a Unique Dish: Kimchi

1. Aids in Digestion


Kimchi is made from cabbage, which contains fiber that aids in cleaning out the intestines and preventing constipation. It also stimulates the body to absorb nutrients better by promoting digestion. When cabbage is fermented, not only does it create healthy bacteria known as lactobacillus, which is essential for a healthy intestine, but it also gives the cabbage a unique taste.

2. Blocks Free Radicals

This Korean meal is packed with antioxidants, which have several health benefits, including protecting your body against harmful free radicals as well as oxidative stress. Eating kimchi can also help repair damaged tissue and rebuild cells, resulting in radiant skin and strong hair and nails.


3. Has Anti-Aging Properties


Antioxidants in kimchi shield the body from damaging oxidative stress and free radicals, especially vitamin C, which specifically helps with anti-aging. Studies have shown that kimchi also has the amazing ability to stop lipid peroxidation, which ultimately results in longevity.

4. Treats Atopic Dermatitis

Kimchi is an excellent source of lactobacillus bacteria, which can also be helpful in treating atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a skin condition characterized by edema and hemorrhage as well as skin lesions. Although more research is necessary, studies have shown that fermented kimchi can suppress mite-induced dermatitis and reduce inflammation.

5. Assists with Weight Loss


The healthy lactobacillus bacteria found in kimchi can assist with weight loss in numerous ways, including controlling the appetite and reducing blood sugar levels. With high amounts of fiber, kimchi will slow down carbohydrate metabolism and help prevent a drop in blood sugar. This will ultimately keep you satisfied and full for a more extended period. One study revealed that fermented kimchi helped people lower their body fat and body mass index, which can lower the chance of developing metabolic syndrome. 


6. Reduces Gastric Ulcers


Kimchi goes even further than aiding in gut health. Studies have shown that this dish has therapeutic effects when it comes to gastritis ulcers and peptic ulcer disease caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. H.pylori is a bacteria that lives within the stomach. It is unclear why it affects some individuals more severely than others, but probiotics keep the gut ecosystem functioning and healing possible. Studies suggest that the abundance of lactobacillus bacteria found in kimchi stops pathogens from attaching to gastric cancer cells.

7. Controls Cholesterol

Another ingredient found in kimchi is garlic, which is rich in allicin and selenium. Both are ideal for heart health. Allicin lowers bad LDL cholesterol levels whereas selenium helps prevents plaque buildup in the artery walls. Both reduce the risk of cardiac disorders like atherosclerosis, heart attack, or stroke. 


8. Boosts Immunity


Kimchi is also a rich source of flavonoids and phenolics thanks to its disease-fighting ingredients. Garlic, ginger, and peppers help to make this dish a nutrient dense side to a meal. Also, many seasonings that are involved in the preparation of kimchi are ideal for fighting infections and combating symptoms of the cold and flu. 

9. Prevents Some Cancers


Kimchi has anti-cancer properties, including flavonoids, which are proven to slow the growth of cancerous cells. Glucosinolates are also found in cabbage. They turn into isothiocyanates and are effective at inhibiting the increase of cancerous cells.

10. Helps with Diabetes

This Korean delicacy is ideal for Type 2 diabetes. A study found that after eating kimchi, people with diabetes had a better tolerance to glucose because the kimchi was able to lower their levels of fasting 

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